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Melbourne CBD | Underground Carpark

Terrascan was recently contacted to undertake borehole Imaging in an underground carpark in the Melbourne CBD. The Optical and Acoustic Televiewers were used to help the Golder Associates Geotechnical team to orientate features in the borehole as part of their investigations. With a days notice an imaging unit was dispatched and arrived in Melbourne the following day.

An example of Optical and Acoustic Televiewers and their 3D logs

The borehole was NMLC diamond cored by Terratest's Comacchio XC drill rig (image below). A small helicopter portable rig that is perfectly suited for small underground carpark's. Pressure testing was done prior to Imaging using 1m AWJ rods due to the low ceiling height.

Terratest's Comacchio XC drill rig, underground in the Melbourne CBD

Terrascan's close relationship with Terratest's drillers helps clients with communication and logistical challenges when imaging on a Terratest drilled borehole. Most Terratest drillers are familiar with imaging tools and requirements for the best imaging results.

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