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What do we offer?

Terrascan provides wireline logging and geological services for the various industries across Australia. We operate a variety of specialist tools bringing you industry leading results in a convenient, cost effective package. 



  • Core and Soil Logging 

  • Drill Rig Supervision

  • Optical and Acoustic Televiewer Imaging

  • Full Waveform Sonic (FWS) Logging

  • Natural Gamma Logging

  • Resistivity logging



Borehole Imaging and Geophysics 

We operate a variety of downhole imaging and geophysical tools, including Optical and Acoustic Televiewers, Natural Gamma and Full Waveform Sonic. Terrascan is also able to produce interpretation reports of the data collected.

Optical and Acoustic Televiewers

Terratest has access to the latest generation of orientated downhole imaging and data probes including the Acoustic and Optical Televiewers.


Borehole imaging can be used either in conjunction with or as an alternative to core logging, as collecting a continuous high quality sample can be difficult. By utilising a televiewer, clay seams, voids, fractures and unit boundaries are correctly orientated and depth recorded.  


Projects including the WestConnex M4 and M5, Sydney Metro and Southlink, have seen the value in orientated borehole imaging. Not to mention the numerous mining and resource applications.

FWS (Full Waveform Sonic)

The FWS tool (full waveform sonic) is popular in the water, mining and geotechnical industries. Often used in combination with other logs (acoustic and optical) to provide mechanical properties of the borehole wall. With the correct borehole conditions, P and S waves can be detected and velocities calculated.


The FWS tool can only be operated in a fluid filled borehole (similar to the Acoustic tool) as the energy source does not travel well through air.


Natural Gamma

The natural gamma tool measures the naturally occurring gamma radiation in the borehole. It is versatile as they can be used in fluid-filled or dry boreholes and can be attached to another tool if desired. Both cased and open holes are suitable for this tool.



Electrical Resistivity

The Resistivity tool is used to log resistivity profiles to gain information about permeability, porosity, water quality and geological formation properties.


Four resistivity measurements are recorded compared to two offered by most other manufacturers.




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